

At Falmouth KinderVillage, your child will have numerous enrichment opportunities that will extend your child’s learning while also preparing them for kindergarten. We work to infuse special activities such as gym time and music & movement into our schedule to emulate the “specials” that children will experience when they are in kindergarten!

Here’s a look at some sample enrichment opportunities at Falmouth KinderVillage:

  • KinderVillage Kitchen: students will engage in a fun activity related to our current classroom theme such as making a gingerbread boy or girl during our Gingerbread Unit. While baking and creating in the Mason-Motz Community Room kitchen, students will be learning math skills such as measuring and sequencing.

  • Physical Education: students will engage in whole group learning activities such as parachute games in the Mason-Motz gymnasium. They will learn important skills such as listening, following directions, and working together as a team while developing gross motor skills.

  • Outdoor Nature Education: students will participate in interactive read alouds and activities brought to us by the Falmouth Land Trust. Through hands-on experiences such as making bird feeders, going on nature scavenger hunts, searching for animal tracks, and planting seeds, students learn about the birds, animals, and plants here in Maine.

  • STEAM Programming: students will engage in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) activities brought to us from High Touch High Tech of Maine. They will learn to make observations and hypotheses, and they will develop critical thinking skills.

  • Music & Movement: students will participate in lessons with musician and childhood educator, Mr. Tucker, to encourage a love of music while also developing their language, fine motor, memory, and cognitive skills.

  • Stay tuned! We are working behind the scenes to bring more enrichment opportunities your way!